Winchester 1873 Gunsmithing
Copy of the Winchester 1873 from Taylor's which is perfect for Cowboy Shooting
The Taylor's Rifle can be purchased in 3 different levels in either .357 or .45 Long Colt in 20" Octagonal Barrel.
LEVEL 1-New in Box with no modifications $1,486.00
LEVEL 2- Cowboy competition action job $1,686.00
LEVEL 3- Cowboy competition action job,
Short Stroke, Big Front Sight, $1,916.00
Modified Rear Sight & Custom Leather
Lever Wrap and More!
We can Improve your Shoot Times!
Shortening your lever stroke (installing the short stroke kit)
Improving Ejection
Slicking your Action
Re-timing your Carrier/Elevator
Hand Polishing the Entire Action
parts are hand fit for precise cycling
all springs are custom tuned without losing spring integrity
custom machining the brass carrier